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Stec & Stines Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Blog

Should You Go to the ER for a Dental Emergency?

May 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 2:02 am

Woman in pain in emergency dentist waiting roomIf you have a throbbing toothache, or have suffered a dental injury, don’t panic! Instinct might push you to head to the closest hospital, but that may not be the best idea. Although hospital ERs can treat life-threatening issues, they aren’t equipped for dental emergencies. Here’s when it’s best to contact your emergency dentist for an appointment.


Restoration Reality: 3 Facts About Dental Implants

April 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 2:34 pm
Shoulder to midsection view of someone holding a sign that says "DID YOU KNOW?"

Tooth loss can greatly detract from your daily quality of life because tasks that once were second nature can become much more challenging. It can be harder to chew food, for example, or clearly enunciate words and sounds. Thankfully, your dentist has several ways they can rebuild your smile, although dental implants are often considered the ideal method.

These artificial teeth are the only ones that include a support rod that’s inserted into your jawbone. Because of this, they offer unique advantages over alternatives like dental bridges or dentures. Keep reading to learn 3 facts about dental implants and how they could benefit you!


What Makes a Good Dental Implant Candidate?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 8:33 pm
Lady smiles

Today, most dentists recommend dental implants as the best available solution to tooth loss. While these wonderful artificial teeth offer many benefits such as looking just like the real thing, restoring the patient’s chewing ability, and preventing or even reversing bone loss in the jaw, you’ll still need to meet certain criteria to be able to receive them. Here’s a brief overview of what makes for the ideal dental implant candidate.


What Should I Avoid After Dental Implant Surgery?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 8:50 pm
Dental implant

Dental implants are a fantastic way to replace missing teeth because they look and work exactly like the real thing. However, your implants will need to completely heal after being surgically placed before you can start chewing and smiling like you have never lost a tooth in the first place. Here’s a short list of habits that are best avoided while you are recovering from dental implant surgery.


Cosmetic Curse: Why You Shouldn’t Whiten Teeth with Cavities

January 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 5:31 pm
Facial zoom in of woman having teeth whitened by dentist

Many people feel self-conscious about their smiles if their teeth aren’t as white as they’d like. Whether you have internal discoloration from genetics and medications, or external stains from drinking too many cups of coffee over the years, it’s natural to want to lighten your grin. You may feel tempted to stop by your local corner store to pick up an over-the-counter whitening kit, but unfortunately, this could do you more harm than good. Keep reading to learn why it’s best to have your teeth whitened with your dentist, instead!


Why Is Teeth Whitening a Great Gift Idea?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 9:10 pm
Woman shows pretty smile

A beautiful smile can be a wonderful asset in both the social and professional worlds. People who are proud of their teeth tend to smile more frequently, making them seem friendlier, more confident, and more approachable to others. While many people might be shy about showing their smiles due to stains or discoloration, many of these same people have birthdays, anniversaries, or graduations coming up. Here’s why a professional teeth whitening treatment can make a great gift.


The History of Porcelain Veneers: 1928 to Present

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 10:44 pm
Closeup of a beautiful smile with veneers

Porcelain veneers can transform a smile into a more ideal state by covering up dental damage or even correcting mild misalignments. They are the open secret behind why so many of America’s favorite movie stars have amazingly perfect teeth, which is fitting because veneers were developed as part of a movie costume in the first place. Here are some fun facts about the history of veneers since they were invented in 1928.


Health Issues That Can Be Caused By an Unhealthy Smile

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 9:37 pm
Woman holding a drawn cartoon style frowning mouth with missing teeth in front of her face

Did you know that your oral health and general wellness are connected? Certain health issues can affect your mouth, but dental conditions can also harm your well-being. Poor dental health can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, pregnancy complications, and much more. Here’s why good oral health is an investment in a healthy body.


Does Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry?

September 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 12:03 pm
A woman receiving sedation dentistry

There’s a good chance you experience at least some dental anxiety. After all, over half of all Americans struggle with a form of it. Fortunately, sedation dentistry is a great solution to this issue. It’d help you stay calm during the treatment process. If costs are a concern, though, you may ask yourself: “Will dental insurance cover sedation dentistry?” Well, your Grand Island dentist is here to answer that question. Read on to learn how insurance and dental sedation relate to each other.


The Safety and Efficacy of Nitrous Oxide Sedation

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 12:47 pm
A boy undergoing nitrous oxide sedation dentistry

If you’re someone who has anxiety about going to the dentist, sedation dentistry could be the answer to your problems. However, there has been some concern over its safety in the last couple of years due to its misuse among young people and club-goers as a recreational drug.

There’s no need for the concern. Continue reading to learn why sedation dentistry, particularly with nitrous oxide, is one of the safest treatments available at the dentist’s office.

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