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Stec & Stines Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Blog

Should I Brush Before or After Eating Breakfast?

September 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 11:38 pm
man brushing teeth before breakfast

Ever since you were a small child, you’ve been told that you need to brush your teeth twice a day for optimal oral health. Brushing right before bed is pretty straightforward, but mornings can be a little bit more complex. You know you are supposed to clean your smile in the morning, but should you be brushing teeth before breakfast or afterwards? Does it really matter that much? Continue reading to learn more about how to maintain excellent dental health by brushing in the morning.


How to Tell if a Cavity Has Formed Between Your Teeth

September 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 4:36 pm
a young woman seated on the side of her bed and holding her cheek in pain

Growing up, you likely saw images of cavities that appeared on the chewing surface of the tooth. If you are under the impression this is the only area that can develop decay, you’ll be surprised to learn you can also have cavities between teeth. Known as an interproximal cavity, these small holes grow the same way and require the same method of treatment – a filling or dental crown depending on the severity. But how can you know if you have dental caries between your pearly whites? A local dentist explains what to look for as well as what you can do to prevent them in the first place.


Are You Using the Right Toothbrush for You?

August 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 6:42 pm
Variety of toothbrushes

When it comes to taking care of your teeth, in addition to visiting your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings, it is important that you have all of the necessary tools. This includes choosing the best toothbrush for your smile. With so many options at your local drug and grocery store, it can be difficult to know which one to buy. Are the pricier options actually better? Are electric toothbrushes necessary? Continue reading to learn more about what toothbrushes are out there and how to know which one you should be using for optimal oral health.


Can Chewing Gum Reduce Your Risk of Developing Cavities?

August 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 9:20 pm
Two girls blowing a bubble with their gum

Did you know that Americans spend an estimated $500 million on gum annually? Whether you are feeling stressed or are on the hunt for minty-fresh breath, it is believed that 35 million sticks of gum will find their way into the mouths of U.S. adults this year alone. Initially, you may think that chewing gum has the same damaging effects as candy, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, opting for the right gum can actually benefit your oral health by helping you fight off cavities! Wondering how? Then keep reading!


The Importance of the Back to School Dental Appointment

July 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 7:53 pm
a little boy in the dentist chair using a manual brush to clean his teeth during his appointment

The 2020 school year is looking far different than previous years. While COVID-19 is forcing teachers and administrators to rethink the way they deliver lessons, parents are trying their best to determine whether to physically send their children back to school or keep them at home to pursue virtual learning. No matter which method you choose, you’re likely in the process of planning for what they will need when the first day arrives. Before you let the remaining summer days slip by, a dentist suggests making sure you schedule a dental appointment for your little one. Read on to learn why this visit will prove beneficial, especially for the 2020-2021 school year.


4 Tips for Choosing a New Dentist

July 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 9:10 pm
Dentist smiling with patient

Whether you recently moved or a previous experience left a bad taste in your mouth, the journey to finding a new dentist can be overwhelming. While your initial instinct may be to turn to Google, pages of search results and ads can make the process more stressful. After all, what should you be looking for? How can you distinguish which one is right for you? If you have found yourself wondering the same questions, then keep reading!


Invisalign or Braces: Which Is Right for Me?

June 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 7:08 pm
Pondering woman holding Invisalign aligners and model teeth with braces

Did you know that straightening your teeth improves your health as well as your appearance? An aligned smile can correct bite issues, prevent unnecessary tooth decay and fractures, and even lower your risk of serious oral health conditions like gum disease. Traditional metal braces and Invisalign clear aligners are both popular ways to straighten your smile, but they each come with a unique set of pros and cons. Read on as your Grand Island dentist explains the key differences between these two orthodontic treatments, and which one may be right for you.


Discover the Deeper Issues That Can Occur as a Result of Sleep Apnea

June 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 5:43 pm

a wrecking ball with the words “sleep apnea” crashing into a wall that reads “LIFE”Sleep apnea is known to cause snoring, breathing difficulties, and problems developing among family and friends, especially those with whom you share a bed. But what you may not realize is that this common condition can lead to increased health risks that, if left untreated, can lead to a lifetime of problems or even death. If you suffer from sleep apnea and want to avoid its potentially negative ramifications, learn what kind of treatment can help you achieve a better quality of life.


Save Your Money: 3 Reasons Regular Dental Appointments Will Help Your Wallet

May 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 9:56 pm

Patient with Grand Island dentistRegular dentistry is about much more than simply cleaning plaque off of your teeth. Your mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body and is inextricably linked to your overall systemic health. While some people may want to avoid the dental chair because of cost or anxiety, going in for regular dental appointments can save you a lot of money in the long run. These are 3 reasons that your Grand Island dentist recommends going to the dental office at least twice a year.


Having Dental Pain? 5 Things to Look for in Your Emergency Dentist

May 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — doctorstec @ 9:45 pm

Emergency dentist treating patientYou’ve had a toothache for days and have finally decided that it’s time to make an appointment with an emergency dentist. However, you aren’t quite sure what you should be looking for. You want to make sure that you’re able to receive high-quality care quickly and efficiently. Your dentist in Grand Island has 5 tips to help you choose the right emergency dentist for you.


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