What to Do if Your Veneer Falls Off
August 23, 2022

Veneers let you completely transform your smile by covering up multiple imperfections at once. Thanks to their durability, you’ll be able to enjoy the improvements for a very long time. Of course, like any kind of dental restoration, veneers might occasionally fall off. If that happens, you can use the step-by-step guide below to take control of the situation and get back your dazzling grin as soon as possible.
Step 1: Pick Up the Veneer and Store It
The first thing you’ll want to do is find the veneer and see what state it’s in. A mostly intact veneer can often be placed back on the tooth, so go ahead and gently rinse it off. If any pieces have broken off, collect as many as you can. Make sure you keep the veneer in a safe container; don’t put it back in your mouth, as that might cause you to swallow it on accident.
Step 2: Get in Touch with Your Dentist
Next, you’ll need to call your dentist to let them know that a veneer fell off. Be sure to tell them exactly what happened and what state the veneer is in. Your dentist will make arrangements to see you as soon as possible, and they can give you additional instructions for protecting your grin until your appointment.
Step 3: Take Care of Your Tooth Until You Can See the Dentist
When a veneer is placed, a very thin layer of enamel needs to be removed from the tooth in question. If the veneer falls off, the tooth won’t be in any immediate danger, but while it’s exposed it will be especially sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages. As such, if you need to eat or drink before your appointment, you should be careful not to consume anything that could agitate the tooth.
Step 4: Cover the Tooth with Dental Wax if You Need To
You shouldn’t try to reattach a lost veneer on your own, as you could end up causing further damage to it or your tooth. However, you can place dental wax over the exposed tooth to reduce sensitivity and also cover up any rough enamel that’s bothering the inside of your mouth.
Step 5: Visit Your Dentist for a Solution
At your appointment, your dentist will check to make sure there aren’t any shards of the veneer left in your mouth. They’ll also take the time to figure out what caused the veneer to fail in case there’s a larger issue that needs to be addressed. Finally, they will either repair the veneer so that it can be placed back on the tooth, or they will take steps to start designing a replacement.
It’s rare for veneers to fall out or break, but if they ever do, keeping the above steps in mind can help you stay in control of the situation. Remember that you can always call your dentist if you have any questions about caring for your veneer and what to do if you ever have a problem with it.
About the Practice
At Stec & Stines Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we have three dentists who are proud Grand Island natives that always love having the chance to meet new patients. They offer many different services that can make it easier for you to smile, including custom-made, long-lasting veneers. To schedule a cosmetic consultation at our office, visit our website or call (308) 382-4440.
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