The Connective Link Between Oral and Heart Health
February 25, 2021
Did you know that February is Heart Health Month? Did you also know there is a connective link between the mouth and body, particularly your cardiovascular system? What you may not realize is that the heart can be positively or negatively impacted by what goes on inside your oral cavity. The health of your teeth and gums can leave the rest of your immune system vulnerable to potential infection if you are not careful, so what can you do? A dentist explains the link and what steps you can take to keep your smile and your heart in optimal shape.
(more…)6 Tips to Help You Find the Best Invisalign Provider for You
February 9, 2021
Invisalign was first used in 1997, and since then the treatment has become more and more refined. That said, it’s still relatively new compared to other forms of orthodontics, so finding a truly skilled provider can be somewhat tricky. However, there are dentists who have been trained in using this treatment to ctreat straighter, healthier smiles without braces. Below are 6 tips that will give you a better idea of how to find an Invisalign provider that’s right for you.